About Us

Suar Wood Jepara

Suar wood jepara adalah website online shop furniture 100% asli Jepara. Lokasi kami di Desa Mulyoharjo, Kecamatan Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara – Jawa tengah. Jepara merupakan central industri mebel terbesar di Indonesia.

Produk Selalu Update Trend Dan Kekinian
SW Jepara Selalu mengikuti trend furniture yang sedang berkembang saat ini, karena acuan design kami adalah trend pasar furniture domestik dan luar negeri. Baik dengan model classic, minimalis modern, atau model furniture dari kayu alami. Diantaranya model furniture vintage, furniture shabbychic, scandinavian dan beberapa model furniture retro. Kami juga menerima custom design sesuai keinginan anda.

Harga Kompetitif
Silahkan bandingkan harga kami dengan yang lain, tentu harga kami sangat kompetitif dan wajar. kami selalu memberikan harga special ditambah diskon untuk pembelian partai besar seperti proyek pengisian furniture rumah, furniture cafe atau furniture untuk kantor dan hotel atau reseller. Kami juga akan memberikan solusi untuk penyesuaian anggaran furniture anda. Kami Fleksibel dan Negoitable

Kualitas Terjamin
Kami akan memberikan kualitas yang terbaik terhadap produk yang kami jual karena produk kami selalu melewati kontrol bahan yang ketat dan telah sesuai dengan aturan pertukangan profesional. Diantara bahan yang kami gunakan adalah kayu Jati, kayu trembesi, suar, kayu mahoni dan lain-lain sesuai permintaan customer. Kami juga menggunakan bahan plywood berkualitas atau juga bahan MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard), karena ada beberapa jenis design barang yang memang mengharuskan menggunakan bahan tersebut.

Selamat Berbelanja
Satriyo Juni Santoso
Jl. Shima, Desa Mulyoharjo Rt03/Rw03
Kec. Jepara – Kab. Jepara – Jawa Tengah 59431 INDONESIA

Suar Wood Jepara

Suar wood jepara is a 100% authentic online shop furniture website in Jepara. Our location is in Mulyoharjo Village, Jepara District, Jepara Regency – Central Java. Jepara is the largest furniture industry center in Indonesia.

Products Always Update Trend and Present
SW Jepara Always follow the trend of furniture that is currently developing, because our design reference is the trend of the domestic and foreign furniture markets. Both with classic models, modern minimalism, or natural wood furniture models. Among them are vintage furniture models, shabbychic furniture, Scandinavian and some retro furniture models. We also accept custom designs to your liking.

Competitive Prices
Please compare our prices with others, of course our prices are very competitive and reasonable. We always provide special prices plus discounts for large party purchases such as projects to fill home furniture, cafe or furniture furniture for offices and hotels or resellers. We will also provide solutions for adjusting your furniture budget. We are Flexible and Negoitable

Guaranteed Quality
We will provide the best quality of the products we sell because our products always pass strict material controls and are in accordance with the rules of professional carpentry. Among the materials we use are teak wood, trembesi wood, Suar, mahogany wood and others according to the customer’s request. We also use quality plywood or MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) material, because there are several types of design items that do require the use of these materials.

Happy shopping
Satriyo Juni Santoso
Jl. Shima, Village Mulyoharjo Rt03 / Rw03 Jepara District, Jepara Regency – Central Java 59431 INDONESIA

Call / sms / Whatsapp + 6285290224005